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DAH Solar Full-Screen Double-Glass PV Module: The Preferred Solution to Extreme Condition Applications

DAH Solar Full-Screen Double-Glass PV Module: The Preferred Solution to Extreme Condition Applications

DAH Solar Full-Screen Double-Glass PV Module:The Preferred Solution to Extreme Condition Applications The newly launched product of DAH Solar Full-Screen series: The Full-Screen Double-Glass PV Module, has got many users wanting to know more since its release. It is the first double-glass PV module in the industry that has no frames on all four sides of the front. The global patent no-frame structure design allows the module to be anti-dust and no snow accumulation resulting in a power increase of 6-15%. On the basis of the mature 10,000 power stations’ application of the Full-Screen PV Module, the double-glass technology is like icing on the cake, bringing advantages such as zero water penetration, low attenuation, fewer heat spots and high efficiency. This brilliant combination of two technologies enables the Full-Screen Double Glass PV Module to handle various extreme scenarios, an absolutely preferred choice for harsh conditions.   For deserts with strong ultraviolet rays and heavy wind,the double-sided glass of the PV modules is very resistant to wear and corrosion. The water permeability of the glass is almost zero, which fundamentally eliminates the PID phenomenon, prevents the aging of the adhesive film.The Full-Screen Double-Glass PV Module maintain the excellent performance at high temperatures and the efficient power generation in low-light environments. Lower attenuation makes the PV Modules longer life. And the up to 85% bifaciality rate can bring higher power generation under the same reflection conditions, which can better meet the demands of the surface power station, higher bifaciality and better reliability, are all the advantages of this Modules .In addition, the Full-Screen technology can also prevent the accumulation of wind and sand, leading to an increase of power generation.   For ocean and lake areas, the Full-Screen Double-Glass PV Modules use special materials such as double-coated glass, electrophoretic frame, waterproof connection, etc., to strengthen protection, and reach level 6 salt spray test certification. In snowy areas, the snow on the Full-Screen Double-Glass PV Modules is more likely to slide off compared to regular modules thanks to the no-frame design of Full-Screen PV Module, reducing the snow load pressure. In windy areas, compared to the Model 210 PV Modules, the Full-Screen Double-Glass PV Modules have lower risks of falling apart due to smaller size and weight.It has been tested to withstandthe category 17 typhoon. The Full-Screen Double-Glass PV Module brings a better solution for installation in extreme conditions. As the founder and the master of the Full-Screen Module, DAH Solar will continue to deepen the research on innovation and creation, commit to develop more high efficiency Full-Screen series products to meet the diversified needs of different ...

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basis produksi dah solar adalah di hefei, provinsi anhui, dan kota ini telah mencapai beberapa hari "penambahan nol" setelah serangkaian langkah-langkah pengendalian seperti penutupan, isolasi, dan desinfeksi. dah tingkat produksi resume surya juga telah mencapai 100%, dan skala penuh produksi panel surya sistem energi matahari telah dimulai.

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Anhui Daheng Energy Technology Co., LTD (dah surya untuk pendek) didirikan pada tahun 2009 dengan kapasitas 500 mw per tahun. kami adalah perusahaan teknologi tinggi nasional, khusus dalam pengembangan modul pv dan manufaktur, konstruksi pv pembangkit listrik dan operasi, pemeliharaan dan investasi. produk kami telah disetujui oleh sertifikasi internasional seperti tuv, ce, cec, inmetro, fide dll. dan sertifikasi domestik seperti cqc, leader, iso9001, iso14001、ohsas18001, dll. dah surya telah berakar di pasar domestik, pada saat yang sama, dah surya secara aktif menjelajahi pasar internasional, dan telah membentuk jaringan penjualan di lebih dari 50 negara di seluruh dunia. dah surya terus berinvestasi pada r & d produk dan telah memperoleh lebih dari 30 paten saat ini. modul pv cerdas dan platform pemantauan cloud yang dikembangkan oleh dah surya berada di garis terdepan industri surya.

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